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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Combining Files

Combining Files

Today I will show you how to combine files together using the Command Prompt, this can be very useful for hacking sites that are vulnerable to LFI(Local File Intrusion).

Firstly we will need to create documents to combine together:

(Note: These files are just example files, the files can be anything you want)

Firstly I will create an image file named: picture.jpg
Secondly, I will create a text file named: test.txt
Lastly, I will create a rar file named: combination.rar

Ok, next, create a folder and store all files to be combined in this folder


Next step is to open Command Prompt
(Click Start, Run, type 'cmd' or 'command' - without the quotes', click enter)

Once in command prompt, go to the file where your files are stored

cd C:\Combine

You will now see the directory on display


Next, type copy /b

(The /b ensures the files are copied as binary files)

Type in, without the quotes, the following:

copy /b picture.jpg + test.txt + combination.rar  newfile.jpg
press enter

The last file name is the name of the new file with combined files, you can chose this name
If you view this file normally, you will see a standard image, using the open with command to view the file using the appropriate program will reveal the hidden files.

Hope you enjoyed this

Peace Out

Techno Master


  1. whay my files are not combined
    C:\Combine>copy /b picture.jpg+test.txt+combination.rar+newfile.jpg
    1 file(s) copied.
    what i get when try combine them but no file appear
    what i doing wrong ?

    1. Sorry, just tested it, I made an error in the blog, the line should be:

      copy /b picture.jpg+test.txt+combination.rar newfile.jpg

      Please note, the file that is created must not have a + before it, it is separated with a space - Will correct blog post now

    2. Also because Setas found a serious error in my post, he will be rewarded - Stand by to find out what his award will be

  2. What is the reward? ;D Tutorial how to use this method on site ? ;P

  3. Well, there is a lot I can offer you, will email you what I am prepared to give


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