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Friday, February 10, 2012


I will be hosting a

During the webinar we will be discussing a variety of hacking techniques and methods as well as answering your questions.

Dates will be available soon.

Please comment if you will be able to attend the webinar.

(For those of you who do not know, a webinar is an online seminar, basically, you join in with your comuter and have the ability to ask questions and interact)

See you soon. 


  1. my english isn't very good, but i will try. I think need more tutorials and of course more experiences in this. In this moment i have no questions. But still i'm in.

  2. Cool cool, all the comments get moderated by me first, so send a comment with your email address so I can send you a webinar invite. I won't publish the comment

  3. man i whant to join your team, i am fascinating of computers and programing langueges, i know:
    HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, C++ and VB. I whant to join the webinar

  4. just saw one of your videos about sql injection attacks, didnt know it could be this simple, thnkss, plz keep us updated..


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