So to start off I will start by giving an overview of what hacking is, the oxford dictionary defines a hacker as: '
a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
informal - an enthusiastic and skillful computer programmer or user.' The rest of the world probably has a total different thought about the subject, but do people actually realise all the good hackers do for the rest of humanity...No, the world just looks at the 'evils' of hackers, although most hackers have never done a single malicious hack. A hacker is just a person who has found a world where he/she can just be themselves, hackers respect each other irrespective of race, gender, status, nationality, etc. we are all equals, and will all help one another when we are struggling.
Lets look at all the good hackers have done for the rest of humankind:
- Hackers debug software before other internet users download it, therefore creating a more stable computing environment
- Hackers delete companies' spam lists, stopping even more spam swamping your inbox
- Hackers also help stop viruses from swarming the internet
- Hackers also help debug most of your favourite websites
Infact most of the sites you visit daily were created by a hacker or a group of hackers, Facebook was developed by a very talented hacker named Mark Zuckerberg, Google was created by 2 hackers named Sergey Brin and Larry Page, there are many more - you can go and research them if you would like.
So there is the end of part 1, part 2 soon to follow.
Peace Out
Techno Master